ViennaGrid - The Vienna Grid Library  2.1.0
Data Structures | Namespaces
viennagrid/io/vmesh_writer.hpp File Reference

Provides a writer to ViennaMesh files. More...

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "viennagrid/forwards.hpp"
#include "viennagrid/mesh/segmentation.hpp"
#include "viennagrid/mesh/mesh.hpp"
#include "viennagrid/io/helper.hpp"
#include "viennagrid/io/vtk_common.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  vmesh_writer< MeshType, SegmentationType >
 Main VMesh writer class. Writes a mesh or a segment to a file. More...


namespace  viennagrid

The main ViennaGrid namespace. Most user functionality resides directly in this namespace rather than in sub-namespaces.

namespace  viennagrid::io

A namespace with all the input/output functionality, in particular file readers and writers.

Detailed Description

Provides a writer to ViennaMesh files.