viennagrid/accessor.hpp [code] | Defines various accessors for storing data for the different element types |
viennagrid/forwards.hpp [code] | Contains forward declarations and definition of small classes that must be defined at an early stage |
viennagrid/functors.hpp [code] | A collection of general functors |
viennagrid/point.hpp [code] | Defines and implements the geometric point type and coordinate systems |
viennagrid/algorithm/angle.hpp [code] | Contains functions for calculating angles between vectors given by points |
viennagrid/algorithm/boundary.hpp [code] | Contains functions for detecting and querying boundary information |
viennagrid/algorithm/centroid.hpp [code] | Computes the centroid (center of mass) for different cell types |
viennagrid/algorithm/circumcenter.hpp [code] | Computes the circumcenter of n-cells |
viennagrid/algorithm/closest_points.hpp [code] | Routines for computing the two points of two different objects being closest to each other |
viennagrid/algorithm/cross_prod.hpp [code] | Computes the cross product of vectors |
viennagrid/algorithm/distance.hpp [code] | Computes the (Cartesian) distance between different elements |
viennagrid/algorithm/extract_boundary.hpp [code] | Extraction of a hull/boundary of a mesh |
viennagrid/algorithm/extract_seed_points.hpp [code] | Extraction of seed points per segment of a mesh |
viennagrid/algorithm/geometric_transform.hpp [code] | Provides geometric transformation routines (e.g. scale()) for a mesh |
viennagrid/algorithm/geometry.hpp [code] | Contains various functions for computing geometric quantities |
viennagrid/algorithm/inclusion.hpp [code] | Tests for inclusion of a point inside an element, segment, or mesh |
viennagrid/algorithm/inner_prod.hpp [code] | Computes the inner product of vectors |
viennagrid/algorithm/interface.hpp [code] | Provides the detection and check for boundary n-cells at the interface of two segments |
viennagrid/algorithm/norm.hpp [code] | Functions for the computation of norms for vectors |
viennagrid/algorithm/quantity_transfer.hpp [code] | Provides routines for transferring quantities defined for elements of one topological dimensions to elements of other topological dimension |
viennagrid/algorithm/refine.hpp [code] | Provides the routines for a refinement of a mesh |
viennagrid/algorithm/spanned_volume.hpp [code] | Computes the volume of n-simplices spanned by points |
viennagrid/algorithm/surface.hpp [code] | Computes the surface of different cell types as well as meshs and segments |
viennagrid/algorithm/volume.hpp [code] | Computes the volume of different cell types as well as meshs and segments |
viennagrid/algorithm/voronoi.hpp [code] | Computes the Voronoi information for a Delaunay triangulation |
viennagrid/algorithm/detail/numeric.hpp [code] | Helper routines controlling numeric tolerances |
viennagrid/algorithm/detail/refine_hex.hpp [code] | Provides refinement routines for hexahedra |
viennagrid/algorithm/detail/refine_quad.hpp [code] | Provides refinement routines for a quadrilateral |
viennagrid/algorithm/detail/refine_tet.hpp [code] | Provides refinement routines for tetrahedra |
viennagrid/algorithm/detail/refine_tri.hpp [code] | Provides refinement routines for a triangle |
viennagrid/config/config.hpp [code] | Basic functionality and tags for configuration |
viennagrid/config/default_configs.hpp [code] | Provides default configuration classes for meshs |
viennagrid/config/element_config.hpp [code] | Provides meta functions for creating element configuration |
viennagrid/config/id_generator_config.hpp [code] | Provides meta functions defining a ID generator based on a wrapped config |
viennagrid/config/mesh_config.hpp [code] | Provides meta functions for mesh configuration |
viennagrid/element/element.hpp [code] | Provides the main n-cell type |
viennagrid/element/element_key.hpp [code] | Provides a key that uniquely identifies n-cells |
viennagrid/element/element_orientation.hpp [code] | Provides an orienter for boundary k-cells of a n-cell |
viennagrid/element/element_view.hpp [code] | Provides routines for extracting the sub-elements of an element (e.g. all edges of a triangle) |
viennagrid/io/bnd_reader.hpp [code] | Provides a reader for .bnd files |
viennagrid/io/helper.hpp [code] | Various helpers for I/O operations |
viennagrid/io/mphtxt_writer.hpp [code] | Provides a writer for Comsol .mphtxt files |
viennagrid/io/neper_tess_reader.hpp [code] | Provides a reader for Neper .tess files. See page 49-52 |
viennagrid/io/netgen_reader.hpp [code] | Provides a reader for Netgen files |
viennagrid/io/opendx_writer.hpp [code] | Provides a writer for OpenDX files |
viennagrid/io/serialization.hpp [code] | A mesh wrapper class which models the Boost Serialization concept: |
viennagrid/io/tetgen_poly_reader.hpp [code] | Provides a reader for Tetgen .poly files. See |
viennagrid/io/vmesh_writer.hpp [code] | Provides a writer to ViennaMesh files |
viennagrid/io/vtk_common.hpp [code] | Provides common things for VTK reader and writer |
viennagrid/io/vtk_reader.hpp [code] | This is a simple vtk-reader implementation. Refer to the vtk-standard (cf. and make sure the same order of XML tags is preserved |
viennagrid/io/vtk_writer.hpp [code] | Provides a writer to VTK files |
viennagrid/io/xml_tag.hpp [code] | A very simple parser for individual XML tags. Eases vtk_reader a bit |
viennagrid/mesh/coboundary_iteration.hpp [code] | Contains definition and implementation of coboundary iteration |
viennagrid/mesh/element_creation.hpp [code] | Contains functions for creating elements within a mesh or segment |
viennagrid/mesh/element_deletion.hpp [code] | Contains functions for deleting elements from a domin |
viennagrid/mesh/mesh.hpp [code] | Contains definition and implementation of mesh and mesh views |
viennagrid/mesh/mesh_operations.hpp [code] | Helper routines for meshes |
viennagrid/mesh/neighbor_iteration.hpp [code] | Contains definition and implementation of neighbor iteration |
viennagrid/mesh/segmentation.hpp [code] | Contains definition and implementation of segmentations and segments |
viennagrid/mesh/segmented_mesh.hpp [code] | Defines a segmented mesh, is a combination of a mesh and a segmentation |
viennagrid/meta/algorithm.hpp [code] | Provides STL-like algorithms for manipulating typelists (e.g. for_each, transform) |
viennagrid/meta/typelist.hpp [code] | Defines typelists and provides algorithms for their manipulation |
viennagrid/meta/typemap.hpp [code] | Contains meta functions for manipulating typemaps |
viennagrid/meta/utils.hpp [code] | A collection of tools for meta programming |
viennagrid/storage/algorithm.hpp [code] | Provides STL-like algorithms for manipulating containers in ViennaGrid |
viennagrid/storage/collection.hpp [code] | Generic implementation of a collection consisting of compile-time dispatched keys and values |
viennagrid/storage/container.hpp [code] | Defines the basic building blocks of containers in ViennaGrid |
viennagrid/storage/container_collection.hpp [code] | Routines for the interaction of containers and collections |
viennagrid/storage/container_collection_element.hpp [code] | Defines inserter callbacks |
viennagrid/storage/forwards.hpp [code] | Contains forward declarations and definition for storage layer classes, tags, .. |
viennagrid/storage/handle.hpp [code] | Defines the generic layer for handles (generalized references) to elements |
viennagrid/storage/hidden_key_map.hpp [code] | Provides the implementation of the hidden key map and its surrounding functionality |
viennagrid/storage/id.hpp [code] | Defines the smart_id type which unifies different ways of identifying objects (numeric ID, pointer, etc.) |
viennagrid/storage/id_generator.hpp [code] | Generator for IDs of a certain type |
viennagrid/storage/inserter.hpp [code] | Defines the inserter functors for adding elements to a container or collection |
viennagrid/storage/io.hpp [code] | Defines a functor for dumping the contents of a container to an output stream |
viennagrid/storage/range.hpp [code] | Allows to deal with a subset of a container |
viennagrid/storage/static_array.hpp [code] | Defines an array of fixed size similar similar to std::array<> (which, unfortunately, is only available in C++11) |
viennagrid/storage/view.hpp [code] | General functionality for dealing with a subset of elements in a container |
viennagrid/topology/all.hpp [code] | Convenience header file for all topological objects |
viennagrid/topology/hexahedron.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of a hexahedron |
viennagrid/topology/line.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of a line |
viennagrid/topology/plc.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of a piecewise linear complex |
viennagrid/topology/polygon.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of a polygon |
viennagrid/topology/quadrilateral.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of a quadrilateral |
viennagrid/topology/simplex.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of an arbitrary simplex element |
viennagrid/topology/vertex.hpp [code] | Provides the topological definition of a point (vertex) |