ViennaGrid - The Vienna Grid Library  2.1.0
Namespaces | Data Structures | Functions
viennagrid::io Namespace Reference

A namespace with all the input/output functionality, in particular file readers and writers. More...


namespace  detail

Namespace for implementation details. Not intended to be used directly by a library user.

Data Structures

class  bad_file_format_exception
 Provides an exception for the case a parser problem occurs. More...
class  bad_serialization_state_exception
 Provides an exception for the bad serialization state. More...
struct  bnd_helper
class  bnd_reader
 Reader for .bnd files. More...
class  cannot_open_file_exception
 Provides an exception for the case a file cannot be opened. More...
struct  char_to_lower
 Functor for conversion to lowercase (avoids the tolower() function as this can be a bit messy due to locales) More...
struct  DXHelper
 A helper class returning dimension-dependent attribute strings. More...
struct  DXHelper< 1 >
struct  DXHelper< 2 >
struct  DXHelper< 3 >
struct  mesh_serializer
 Mesh wrapper which models the Boost serialization concept. More...
class  mphtxt_writer
 Writer for Comsol .mphtxt files. More...
struct  neper_tess_reader
 Reader for Neper .tess files. More...
struct  netgen_reader
 Reader for Netgen files obtained from the 'Export mesh...' menu item. Tested with Netgen version 4.9.12. More...
class  opendx_writer
 The OpenDX writer object. Does not support segments - always the full mesh is written. More...
struct  PointWriter
 Helper class for writing points to file. Aids as a generic layer for point types that don't have operator<< overloaded in a suitable way. More...
struct  PointWriter< 1 >
struct  PointWriter< 2 >
struct  PointWriter< 3 >
struct  print
struct  strChecker
 Checks for a string being a number. More...
struct  tetgen_poly_reader
 Reader for Tetgen .poly files. More...
struct  triangle_information
struct  ValueTypeInformation< double >
struct  ValueTypeInformation< std::vector< double > >
class  vmesh_writer
 Main VMesh writer class. Writes a mesh or a segment to a file. More...
class  vtk_reader
 A VTK reader class that allows to read meshes from XML-based VTK files as defined in More...
class  vtk_writer
 Main VTK writer class. Writes a mesh or a segment to a file. More...
class  xml_tag
 Helper class that parses a XML tag. More...


template<typename MeshT , typename AccessorT >
opendx_writer< MeshT > & add_scalar_data_on_cells (opendx_writer< MeshT > &writer, AccessorT const accessor, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on cells at the OpenDX writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_scalar_data_on_cells (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on cells at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_scalar_data_on_cells (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &segment, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on cells for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_reader< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_scalar_data_on_cells (vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &reader, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on cells at the VTK reader.
template<typename MeshT , typename AccessorT >
opendx_writer< MeshT > & add_scalar_data_on_vertices (opendx_writer< MeshT > &writer, AccessorT const accessor, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on vertices at the OpenDX writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_scalar_data_on_vertices (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on vertices at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_scalar_data_on_vertices (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &segment, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on vertices for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_reader< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_scalar_data_on_vertices (vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &reader, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers scalar-valued data on vertices at the VTK reader.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_vector_data_on_cells (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers vector-valued data on cells at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_vector_data_on_cells (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &segment, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers vector-valued data on cells for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_reader< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_vector_data_on_cells (vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &reader, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers vector-valued data on cells at the VTK reader.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_vector_data_on_vertices (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers vector-valued data on vertices at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_writer< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_vector_data_on_vertices (vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &writer, segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &segment, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers vector-valued data on vertices for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.
template<typename MeshT , typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorOrFieldT >
vtk_reader< MeshT,
SegmentationT > & 
add_vector_data_on_vertices (vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &reader, AccessorOrFieldT const accessor_or_field, std::string const &quantity_name)
 Registers vector-valued data on vertices at the VTK reader.
template<typename FloatingPointType >
FloatingPointType DXfixer (FloatingPointType value)
 Fix for a OpenDX bug: if floating-values occur, no integers (i.e. only zeros after decimal point) are allowed.
template<typename MeshType , typename SegmentationType >
int export_vtk (MeshType const &mesh_obj, SegmentationType const &segmentation, std::string const &filename)
 Convenience function that exports a mesh to file directly. Does not export quantities.
template<typename MeshType >
int export_vtk (MeshType const &mesh_obj, std::string const &filename)
 Convenience function that exports a mesh to file directly. Does not export quantities.
template<typename VTKReaderT >
std::vector< std::pair
< std::size_t, std::string >
> const & 
get_scalar_data_on_cells (VTKReaderT const &reader)
 Returns the names of all scalar-valued data read for cells.
template<typename VTKReaderT >
std::vector< std::pair
< std::size_t, std::string >
> const & 
get_scalar_data_on_vertices (VTKReaderT const &reader)
 Returns the names of all scalar-valued data read for vertices.
template<typename stream_type >
bool get_valid_line (stream_type &stream, std::string &line, char comment_line= '#')
template<typename VTKReaderT >
std::vector< std::pair
< std::size_t, std::string >
> const & 
get_vector_data_on_cells (VTKReaderT const &reader)
 Returns the names of all vector-valued data read for cells.
template<typename VTKReaderT >
std::vector< std::pair
< std::size_t, std::string >
> const & 
get_vector_data_on_vertices (VTKReaderT const &reader)
 Returns the names of all vector-valued data read for vertices.
template<typename MeshType , typename SegmentationType >
int import_vtk (MeshType &mesh_obj, SegmentationType &segmentation, std::string const &filename)
 Convenience function for importing a mesh using a single line of code.
template<typename MeshType >
int import_vtk (MeshType &mesh_obj, std::string const &filename)
 Convenience function for importing a mesh using a single line of code.
template<typename DestinationT , typename SourceT >
< DestinationT >::result_type 
lexical_cast (SourceT const &src)
template<typename SegmentHandleT , typename AccessorType , typename TriangleHandleT , typename SegmentIDRangeType >
void mark_planar_neighbors (SegmentHandleT const &segment, AccessorType &contact_index_accessor, TriangleHandleT const &triangle_handle, int contact_index, SegmentIDRangeType const &sids)
template<typename SegmentationT , typename AccessorType >
void mark_segment_hull_contacts (SegmentationT const &segmentation, AccessorType &contact_index_accessor)
std::string remove_begin_end_chars (std::string const &str)
template<typename StringType >
StringType string_to_lower (StringType const &s)
 Helper function for converting a string to lowercase.

Detailed Description

A namespace with all the input/output functionality, in particular file readers and writers.

Function Documentation

opendx_writer<MeshT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_cells ( opendx_writer< MeshT > &  writer,
AccessorT const  accessor,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on cells at the OpenDX writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
AccessorTAn accessor type holding scalar data
writerThe OpenDX writer object for which the data should be registered
accessorThe accessor object holding scalar data on cells
quantity_nameIgnored. Only used for a homogeneous interface with VTK reader/writer.
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_cells ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on cells at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding scalar data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding scalar data on cells
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_cells ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &  segment,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on cells for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding scalar data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
segmentThe segment for which the data is defined
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding scalar data on cells
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_reader<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_cells ( vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  reader,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on cells at the VTK reader.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be read to
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be read to
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field holding scalar data
readerThe VTK reader object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor object holding scalar data on cells
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
opendx_writer<MeshT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_vertices ( opendx_writer< MeshT > &  writer,
AccessorT const  accessor,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on vertices at the OpenDX writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
AccessorTAn accessor type holding scalar data
writerThe OpenDX writer object for which the data should be registered
accessorThe accessor object holding scalar data on vertices
quantity_nameIgnored. Only used for a homogeneous interface with VTK reader/writer.
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_vertices ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on vertices at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding scalar data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding scalar data on vertices
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_vertices ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &  segment,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on vertices for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding scalar data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
segmentThe segment for which the data is defined
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding scalar data on vertices
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_reader<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_scalar_data_on_vertices ( vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  reader,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers scalar-valued data on vertices at the VTK reader.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be read to
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be read to
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field holding scalar data
readerThe VTK reader object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor object holding scalar data on vertices
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_vector_data_on_cells ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers vector-valued data on cells at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding vector data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding vector data on cells
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_vector_data_on_cells ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &  segment,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers vector-valued data on cells for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding vector data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
segmentThe segment for which the data is defined
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding vector data on cells
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_reader<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_vector_data_on_cells ( vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  reader,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers vector-valued data on cells at the VTK reader.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be read to
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be read to
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field holding vector data
readerThe VTK reader object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor object holding vector data on cells
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_vector_data_on_vertices ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers vector-valued data on vertices at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding vector data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding vector data on vertices
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_writer<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_vector_data_on_vertices ( vtk_writer< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  writer,
segment_handle< SegmentationT > const &  segment,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers vector-valued data on vertices for a given segment at the VTK writer. At most one data set is allowed.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be written
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be written
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field type holding vector data
writerThe VTK writer object for which the data should be registered
segmentThe segment for which the data is defined
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor/field object holding vector data on vertices
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
vtk_reader<MeshT, SegmentationT>& viennagrid::io::add_vector_data_on_vertices ( vtk_reader< MeshT, SegmentationT > &  reader,
AccessorOrFieldT const  accessor_or_field,
std::string const &  quantity_name 

Registers vector-valued data on vertices at the VTK reader.

Template Parameters:
MeshTThe mesh type to be read to
SegmentationTThe segmentation type to be read to
AccessorOrFieldTAn accessor/field holding vector data
readerThe VTK reader object for which the data should be registered
accessor_or_fieldThe accessor object holding vector data on vertices
quantity_nameThe quantity name within the VTK file
FloatingPointType viennagrid::io::DXfixer ( FloatingPointType  value)

Fix for a OpenDX bug: if floating-values occur, no integers (i.e. only zeros after decimal point) are allowed.

As a remedy, we add a value of 1e-5. Better to have a small error in the visualization instead of a crashed OpenDX...

Template Parameters:
FloatingPointTypeDummy template argument to disable external linkage. Almost always float or double.
int viennagrid::io::export_vtk ( MeshType const &  mesh_obj,
SegmentationType const &  segmentation,
std::string const &  filename 

Convenience function that exports a mesh to file directly. Does not export quantities.

int viennagrid::io::export_vtk ( MeshType const &  mesh_obj,
std::string const &  filename 

Convenience function that exports a mesh to file directly. Does not export quantities.

std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::string> > const& viennagrid::io::get_scalar_data_on_cells ( VTKReaderT const &  reader)

Returns the names of all scalar-valued data read for cells.

std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::string> > const& viennagrid::io::get_scalar_data_on_vertices ( VTKReaderT const &  reader)

Returns the names of all scalar-valued data read for vertices.

bool viennagrid::io::get_valid_line ( stream_type &  stream,
std::string &  line,
char  comment_line = '#' 
std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::string> > const& viennagrid::io::get_vector_data_on_cells ( VTKReaderT const &  reader)

Returns the names of all vector-valued data read for cells.

std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::string> > const& viennagrid::io::get_vector_data_on_vertices ( VTKReaderT const &  reader)

Returns the names of all vector-valued data read for vertices.

int viennagrid::io::import_vtk ( MeshType &  mesh_obj,
SegmentationType &  segmentation,
std::string const &  filename 

Convenience function for importing a mesh using a single line of code.

int viennagrid::io::import_vtk ( MeshType &  mesh_obj,
std::string const &  filename 

Convenience function for importing a mesh using a single line of code.

detail::lexical_cast_impl<DestinationT>::result_type viennagrid::io::lexical_cast ( SourceT const &  src)
void viennagrid::io::mark_planar_neighbors ( SegmentHandleT const &  segment,
AccessorType &  contact_index_accessor,
TriangleHandleT const &  triangle_handle,
int  contact_index,
SegmentIDRangeType const &  sids 
void viennagrid::io::mark_segment_hull_contacts ( SegmentationT const &  segmentation,
AccessorType &  contact_index_accessor 
std::string viennagrid::io::remove_begin_end_chars ( std::string const &  str) [inline]
StringType viennagrid::io::string_to_lower ( StringType const &  s)

Helper function for converting a string to lowercase.

Template Parameters:
StringMore a dummy template argument to disable external linkage of the function (for 'header-only' reasons)