ViennaGrid - The Vienna Grid Library  2.1.0
Data Structures
viennagrid::config::result_of Namespace Reference

Namespace for metafunctions for obtaining the respective mesh configurations. More...

Data Structures

struct  boundary_cell_container_tag< viennagrid::dynamic_layout_tag, num >
struct  boundary_cell_container_tag< viennagrid::static_layout_tag, num >
struct  default_container_tag
 Defines the default container tag for all elements in a domain. For vertices and cells specific given containers are used, for all others, hidden key maps are used to ensure the uniqueness of elements (taking orientation into account) More...
struct  default_container_tag< ElementTagT, ElementTagT, VertexContainerT, CellContainerT >
struct  default_container_tag< ElementTagT, viennagrid::vertex_tag, VertexContainerT, CellContainerT >
struct  default_container_tag< viennagrid::vertex_tag, viennagrid::vertex_tag, VertexContainerT, CellContainerT >
struct  element_boundary_element_container
 Creates the boundary element container and possible orientation container. More...
struct  element_boundary_element_container_helper
 Helper meta function for creating the boundary element container using a wrapped config: a view for the boundary elements and a possible orientation container. Handles elements which are not present. More...
struct  element_boundary_element_container_helper< WrappedConfigT, HostElementTagT, BoundaryElementTagT, false >
struct  element_boundary_element_container_helper< WrappedConfigT, HostElementTagT, vertex_tag, is_present >
struct  element_boundary_element_container_typelist
 Creates a typelist of all boundary container types for a given element tag using a wrapped config. More...
struct  element_boundary_element_container_typelist< WrappedConfigT, HostElementTagT, viennagrid::vertex_tag >
struct  element_collection
 Meta function for querying the element typelist for a mesh based on a wrapped config. More...
struct  element_container
 Creates a container for a specified ElementTagT for the mesh container collection based on a wrapped config. If a container collection is used as first argument, the container for the element with tag ElementTagT within the container collection is returned. More...
struct  element_container< collection< container_collection_typemap >, ElementTagT >
struct  element_container_typemap< WrappedConfigT, viennagrid::null_type >
struct  element_container_typemap< WrappedConfigT, viennagrid::typelist< viennagrid::static_pair< ElementTagT, ValueConfigT >, TailT > >
struct  full_element_config
 Creates the complete configuration for one element. ID tag is smart_id_tag<int>, element_container_tag is defined based default_container_tag meta function, boundary_storage_layout is defined based on storage_layout_config, no appendix type. For vertex no boundary storage layout is defined. More...
struct  full_element_config< CellTagT, viennagrid::vertex_tag, HandleTagT, VertexContainerT, CellContainerT >
struct  full_mesh_config
 Meta function for creating a geometric configuration. A topologic configuration is created with the exception that the vertex appendix type is a given point type. More...
struct  full_mesh_config< CellTagT, void, HandleTagT, VertexContainerTagT, CellContainerTagT >
struct  full_topology_config
 Meta function for creating a topologic configuration. More...
struct  full_topology_config_helper
 Helper meta function for creating topologic configuration using full_element_config for each element. Terminates at vertex level. More...
struct  full_topology_config_helper< CellTagT, viennagrid::vertex_tag, HandleTagT, VertexContainerTagT, CellContainerTagT >
struct  has_boundary
 Determines if a given host element has a given boundary element using a wrapped config. More...
struct  has_boundary_helper
 Helper class for has_boundary_cells, using dispatch if the host element is present. More...
struct  has_boundary_helper< WrappedConfigT, HostElementTagT, BoundaryElementTagT, false >
struct  has_orientation
 Determines if orientation is available for a given host element and a given boundary element using a wrapped config. More...
struct  has_orientation_helper
 Helper class for has_orientation, using dispatch if the host element is present. More...
struct  has_orientation_helper< WrappedConfigT, HostElementTagT, BoundaryElementTagT, false >
struct  is_element_present
 Determines if a given element tag is present within a wrapped config. More...
struct  query_appendix_type
 Queries the appendix type for a given element tag from a wrapped config. PLC appendix type is std::vector<PointType> for holes. Default is null_type. More...
struct  query_appendix_type< WrappedConfigType, plc_tag >
struct  query_element_container_tag
 Queries the container tag for a given element tag from a wrapped config, default is std::deque with pointer handle. More...
struct  query_element_id_tag
 Queries the element id tag for a given element tag from a wrapped config, default is smart_id_tag<int>. More...
struct  storage_layout_config
 Defines the default storage layout for elements: full handling tag is default except for vertex, which don't have orientation. More...
struct  storage_layout_config< ElementTagT, viennagrid::null_type >
struct  storage_layout_config< ElementTagT, viennagrid::vertex_tag >
struct  thin_mesh_config
 Meta function for creating a geometric configuration with thin topology. A thin topologic configuration is created with the exception that the vertex appendix type is a given point type. More...
struct  thin_mesh_config< CellTagT, void, HandleTagT, VertexContainerTagT, CellContainerTagT >
struct  thin_topology_config
 Meta function for creating a thin topologic configuration. A thin topology only holds cells and vertices, but no facets, etc. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for metafunctions for obtaining the respective mesh configurations.